Angelo Chambrone Clear Point Energy

Community Solar for All Central Hudson Electricity Customers – with Angelo Chambrone, Clear Point Energy

Episode 86

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Hosted by
Ron Kamen

Ron Kamen has decades of expertise & leadership in catalyzing exponential change in sustainable energy adoption with communities, governments, non-profits, and businesses.

Quantum Quote: “I’ve got a peaceful, easy feeling…” – The Eagles

Did you know that – if you rent, or can’t install solar panels at home for whatever reason – there is now a way for you to still gain the environmental benefits of solar – and save yourself 10% on your electric bill?

Do you know that with community solar, you can now enjoy the benefits of living a solar life – without actually having solar equipment in your house?

Community solar is a way for everyone to participate and enjoy a solar experience and save money on your bill, just through the simple act of subscribing!

With no cancellation penalties or fees, Central Hudson’s customers can now participate in a community solar program that provides a positive environmental benefit and saves you $100 – $150 per year,

With the Ampion/ClearPoint Community Solar subscription, there’s no need to build your own solar system. 

Sign up and in just 30 days, you will witness community solar credits reduce your utility bill.

By paying 10% less on our electricity bills – just by signing a piece of paper, community solar is giving everyone the opportunity to help create momentum towards sustaining the planet and the 8 billion humans alive today – and the future for our children & all the generations to come.

Learn more and join us: Simply click this link:  Please check “Yes” when asked if there is an agent or salesperson helping you and type in “Earthkind”.

Angelo Chambrone leads Clear Point Energy, an energy consulting firm based in Syracuse, New York.   He has over thirty (30) years of energy sector experience.  His firm provides strategic and technical consulting services to retail energy suppliers, consumers, commercial enterprises, and institutional customers on a national basis. His firm’s specialty is renewable energy, electricity, and natural gas.

Sign up for a free webclass to discover how easy it is to get ultra-efficient geothermal heating and cooling installed in your home – without the pain of emptying your savings account.

In “The Power Of Earth With Comfort” From Climate Master webclass, you’ll discover the answers every homeowner needs to know, including:

  • • How geothermal heating and cooling can draw energy from the ground beneath our feet (for pennies)
  • • Why homeowners everywhere are making the switch
  • • The secrets to securing utility incentives and tax credits to pay for a large portion of your new geothermal system
  • • and much more…

If you are tired of rising energy costs and want to save up to 70% on your energy bills, Go to and register now for this FREE special web series that will show you exactly how to get geothermal heating and cooling installed in your home.

We’d like to hear from you! Please help us understand how AWESomeEarthKind can help you achieve your clean energy goals – and you’ll automatically be entered into a Sweepstakes for a Free LED Light Fixture:


SuperNova #1. Regardless of the situation that you’re dealing with, whether it’s consumer or commercial driven, bring some value to the table – information that they haven’t heard before. Find that and bring that to the table. The last thing someone needs is someone coming, calling them, and talking to them about the same things that everyone else is.

SuperNova #2. Renewable energy is a win-win for everybody. It is good and helps the environment; it’s a natural progression and evolution of our technology. At the same time, it helps people and companies save money..

SuperNova #3. There isn’t enough capacity for everyone to participate at the moment.

If you have a chance to participate, it’s good to jump on it because of the fact that it’s limited. When you have an opportunity – grab it.

 Aha Moment: “We’ve had aha moments with some of our very large clients. We’ve shown them how to use community solar as an overall hedge against rising prices. You really need to understand the strategy to use community solar, to not think in boxes. It’s one thing to do community solar because it’ll save money, but  it’s important to consider the overall picture of how it all fits together. While this can be complex, once the customer understands that, that’s kind of an aha moment that I’m not sure even homeowners realize like when we talked about the savings. Community solar is a natural protector against rising prices, because the higher the prices rise, the more credits you get.” – Angelo Chambrone

Best Advice He’s Ever Received: “I had a boss mentor. He said, when you’re contemplating a decision that you’re about to make or something you’re going to participate in, think about if you read it in the newspaper, would you be pleased or would you be disappointed? And if the answer is pleased, then it’s probably a good decision. And the reverse is true, obviously. That’s a really practical way to think about lots of things in life. Would you want to read about it in the newspaper? Would you be proud? If so, it’s probably a good thing. If not, you might want to stay away from it.” – Angelo Chambrone

Personal Habit that Contributes to Success: “I’m a closet musician, a guitar player, because I don’t play professionally. I take some time in my day, even if it’s a couple of hours, to go play. It clears my mind, gets me back into life, whether it’s supporting family or career stuff. Whatever that is for someone else – whether it’s meditating for a while or going for a quick walk, I think you really got to cleanse your brain a little.” – Angelo Chambrone

Internet Resource: NYSERDA Clean Energy Standard; NYSERDA New York Sun Initiative

Magic Wand: “I would ask everyone in the world to just take a minute and listen to the person they’re talking to before passing any kind of judgments. Far too many times, people just don’t give that a chance. It doesn’t matter what your political views are. Just be civil to each other.” – Angelo Chambrone

Most Energized About Today: “The sunshine! In Central New York, we get so very little of it. Today it’s just an unbelievable blue sky. I’m really excited when I can do something outside.” – Angelo Chambrone

Next Step: “Get more developers on board to spread the word in more utility territories in New York and other states, and find easier and easier ways to bring the parties together, to bring the consumers – so they have a good experience – and the developers together. That’s what’s next fo me” – Angelo Chambrone

Parting Advice: “It’s always important to listen and be transparent.” – Angelo Chambrone


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