Quantum Quote: “Take advantage of clean energy incentives today – or pay climate penalties in the near future”.We have reached the tipping point.Humanity’s Greenhouse gas emissions are fueling extreme weather events that are becoming more intense, costly, deadly, and frequent.Did you know that our...
Andrea Fox is the host of the Age of Plastic Podcast – an environmental podcast with tips on how to live plastic free. Andrea tackles big ethical issues in the hope of overcoming the climate change overwhelm and the guilt from our use of single-use plastics.
Envisioning a Future Free From Plastic Pollution – with Andrea Fox, Podcast Host Age of Plastic Podcast Quantum Quote:“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love anyone else?” – Ru Paul“I don’t know how to tell you – you should care about other people.” – Aja...
We don’t often think about the cost or environmental impact of using hot water for our bathing, washing clothes and dishes, and hand washing.
Quantum Quote: “Rule #1: do the right thing. Rule #2: do the best you can in the time you have. Rule #3: treat other people the way you want to be treated.” – Lou HoltzHeating hot water is 15-20% of the average family’s energy consumption, costing $400 to $800 a year or more. Most people face...
Joanne and her husband have systematically transformed their historical house into a 21st Century model clean-energy-powered all-electric.
Quantum Quote: “Our energy answer comes up every morning.” – Joanne Coons“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – ConfuciusEven when more and more people are waking up to the fact that we need to make this transition work towards becoming a clean energy...
We 7 billion humans are emitting 40 Gigatons of carbon into the air every year. That’s 40,000 Million Tons a year that is causing massive climate disruption, with visible increases in the number and intensity of extreme weather events, including droughts, wildfires, tornados, hurricanes, floods...
Quantum Quote: “The key to mitigating CO2 and affecting climate change lies in governments’ abilities to use their procurement power to procure carbon sequestered materials at grand scales. If we follow that mechanism, we could mitigate climate in a significant way, billions of tons.” – Brent...
The "Build Back Better" bill provides tax incentives for solar, wind, energy-efficiency, electric cars, charging stations, and more; and it will finally cut subsidies for fossil fuels. It will also drive major investments into communities that have been disproportionately hit by environmental...