Memorial Day is when we honor those men & women who died defending the U.S. Constitution while serving in the military. But did you know that the first Memorial Day was called Decoration Day and originated in the years following the U.S. Civil War? And that it only became an official federal...
Quantum Quote: “Science provides us with the evidence, our faith compels us to act.” – Rev. Dr. Leonisa ArdizzoneClimate change is a part of our lives that must be resolved – or the extreme weather events will result in the ultimate collapse of all civilization.Are you concerned about...
The entire world is moving to eliminate fossil fuels by using the Forces of Nature (the Air, Water, Earth, and Sun) to create the clean electricity that will power our civilization. But the question everyone asks is – how will we replace fossil fuels in heavy duty transportation equipment...
Quantum Quote: “The biggest benefit with geothermal is that it’s always the same climate down below.” – Mike SeidenbergHeat pumps are replacing traditional fossil fuel heating. With efficiencies of 200-500%, not only are heat pumps more cost-effective, safer and healthier than fossil...
California and New York have banned sales of new fossil-fueled cars by 2035 (the same date that GM announced they will be eliminating their gas-fueled cars). Volvo will be stopping non-electric car production & sales by 2030 - and the entire world is moving off gas and diesel powered cars - and...
With prices fluctuating between $1.50 to $4.50 a gallon, heating with oil or propane can destroy your budget. Heating with the Power of the Earth is clean, quiet, consistent, convenient, and cost-effective – all while helping the environment. Aside from being eco-friendly – Geothermal...
Welcome to AWESome EarthKind!Ron Kamen is the featured guest on Speaking of Impact. At the age of 18, Bob DePasquale found himself in a fight for his life when diagnosed with cancer. It would become a journey that ultimately shaped his view of himself and the gifts that he could share with the...
Quantum Quote: “I know one thing – that I know nothing.” – SocratesDo you want to learn how to build a home that is comfortable, healthy, and beautiful? Do you want your home to be green and energy-efficient? Do you want to know the type of construction company that can turn your youthful dream...
It’s the roaring 2020s – the decade when everything changes… and it’s incredible how science and nature are creating new solutions to our most daunting challenges.Energy Efficiency is always the first step in clean energy – because “the cheapest energy is the energy we DON’T use”.Imagine...
Quantum Quote: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother TeresaDo you remember your grade school science class where your teacher discussed the concept of phase change materials? Have you ever heard of products that either absorb or...