Dear Friends,
Where ever you live in New York State, your utility has an incentive program to help you reduce your heating, cooling and hot water costs.
Whether you have a single family home, or a multifamily, small business, or commercial building – New York’s Clean Heat Programs can provide incentives to help you make your clean energy transition.
And – if you go to Geothermal, you’ll also qualify for a 26% federal tax credit!
ConEdison just DOUBLED their geothermal incentives – from $12,000 for the average home to $24,000! And, if you live in a gas constrained area – that goes to $31,200!
Here are links to 3 podcasts about New York utility incentives
Central Hudson:
National Grid:
Enjoy, and Cheers!
~ Ron Kamen
Is it time for your business to have a sustainability strategy? Whether you are trying to increase your investor ESG rating, improve your environmental profile, or simply save money, every company should have a sustainability strategy. We look at all aspects of your business and come up with a comprehensive sustainability plan for your company and relevant actions that you can take to help the environment and improve your bottom line.
Why not look toward sustainable energy and find ways to make the most of it?
Schedule a free 30 minute conversation about the potential to save up to 70% on your energy costs by emailing with “Free Initial Consult” in the subject line.
For billions of years, the earth has been absorbing nearly half the energy coming from the sun. Geothermal heating and cooling transfers that energy from the ground underneath our feet into our buildings.
Discover how easy it is to get ultra-efficient geothermal heating and cooling installed in your home by signing up for “The Power Of Earth With Comfort” free web class.
If you’re tired of rising energy costs and want to save up to 70% on your energy bills, go to and register now for this FREE special event.