Quantum Quote: “Make the journey the reward.” – Tom HermanWe all need to reduce our carbon emissions by becoming more efficient and using renewable clean energy. But, at the end of the day, most of us will still be stuck with aspects of our lives that hinder us from being 100% carbon neutral, and...
Welcome to AWESome EarthKind!Ron Kamen is the featured guest on Bringing Intimacy Back Podcast. As the weather warms up, it gives us a chance to connect with our planet in ways not possible in winter. Keep your ties to the earth at the forefront of your mind this week as Dr. April and Dr. Kelly...
In 1970, the first Earth Day event mobilized millions of Americans and generated the momentum that led to the Clean Water Act and ended the dumping of industrial pollution that had our rivers on fire.That Earth Day mobilization also produced the Clean Air Act that dramatically reduced air...
The least expensive and most climate-friendly energy is that which we don’t use. The first thing we should always do is use energy efficiency techniques and technologies to reduce energy consumption and waste.When we are constructing a new building or renovating the envelope of an existing...
Quantum Quote: “Head down. Keep going.” – Will ContentoThe least expensive and most climate-friendly energy is that which we don’t use. The first thing we should always do is use energy efficiency techniques and technologies to reduce energy consumption and waste. When we’re constructing a new...
Most of us want to “do the right thing”. But traditionally, we don’t know what’s in our investment portfolios. While our investments affect the world we live in, most of us are not aware of where our investments go, and if those investments support what we believe in.And, sometimes, what we thought...
Quantum Quote: “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we should save our country.” –...
As the world moves closer to the end of the covid pandemic – every indication is that the roaring 2020s will the decade when everything changes.As this week’s AWESome EarthKind Podcast guest says: “These next 10 years will decide the fate of civilization. “Centuries from now, our...
Quantum Quote: “A quadrupling of clean energy activity is what we need – and where we’re headed.” – Danny KennedyClean energy is the answer to our environmental crises and is the key to unlocking a healthy and clean future. But, it is somewhat still inaccessible to different...